about this site

last updated: 22/02/2025

This site was build with 11ty. I didn't use any templates, but did right-click inspect a lot of other people's websites to try and get a sense of how to do these things.


The raw files (.md, .css, .njk, and a one or two .js) are sitting in a repository on codeberg. The site is hosted on statichost.eu, and there is a nifty little webhook that rebuilds the site whenever changes are pushed to codeberg. It was a day of trial and error getting the docker image that statichost.eu requires to work - but it works.

I don't collect any of your data, because, I don't want your data. And statichost.eu don't store anything either[1].


see also the warnings.

No AI was used in the making of this site. All imperfections, mistakes, and triumphs are mine.


Below is a ~bibliography(ish); a catalogue[2] of resources, that were essential to putting this site together.

and @eb and @mike who gave me some guidance on how to point this to my own domain.


  1. three cheers for european privacy laws ↩︎

  2. probably not exhaustive ↩︎

  3. although I haven't managed to yet ↩︎

  4. i will endeavour to keep this list better updated ↩︎