to the person who found my glasses

13:12 17/03/2024 301 words

thank you for putting them on the stone so i could find them.

↑ that's the punchline. ↓ that's the account of a thing that's quite mundane.

we went to a park instead of the beach yesterday. to play frisbee and sit under a tree. and to climb the tree that caught the ball-on-a-rope that i'd badly thrown last week. ball: retrieved.

it was sunny - that's nice - sunny enough to call for sunglasses. i've never been particularly good at looking after sunglasses. and, unfortunately, i now have spectacles to look after, every day, even when it's not sunny. and i'm not that good at it. if you've had to wear glasses for years, this is probably boring. if you've never had to wear glasses, this is certainly boring. but for me, it still feels novel, and irritating. i sometimes leave them on the shower curtain rail when i want to splash my face in the sink. or dangling from the spoke of the bike that hangs by the front door. one of those bits of string has been on the to-get list for a while.

the spectacles were in my pocket and the sunglasses were on my face. that is, until the spectacles weren't in my pocket. halfway home i noticed, and promptly did the whole retracing steps thing. my partner then retraced them independently. i was annoyed, mostly at the idea of having to buy another pair of a thing i still don't really want (note to self: grow up).

this morning i, stubbornly, replicated yesterday's route. some thoughtful person had popped them on a stone near the park's exit. glasses: retrieved. i'm now slightly more motivated to get a bit of string.
