a long train journey with a handful of stops provides me with the opportunity to present to you a game. ✨guess the ceiling✨. inspired by the first dozen photos i took on this trip, the majority of which were of ceilings.
i don’t need to know the names of particular styles, shapes or features. i’m not an architect or a roofer. i’d like to know some of the jargon, i do, after all, like ceilings[1], however, there isn’t really any imperative to set about learning them, so i might just have to[2] make peace with my ignorance.
anyway…because this idea doesn’t deserve any more of my time than i’ve already given it, you will be required to mark your own homework. be honest. you’ll only be cheating yourself.
here we go…
# are you ceiling lucky?

platform 5 of frankfurt-am-main-flughafen-fernbahnhof.3 points
laugenbrezel * 2.2 points (1 for each pretzel)
trento. 25 ℃.10 points for trento.** **-3 points for every degree wrong
⟵ that way1 point
wrong. this is the old meat market / abbatoir on rue ropsy chaudron in brussels.2 points
46.14615° N 10.76824° E5 points** (-1/2 point for every 10th degree out in either direction)
nw. obvs. bonus point if you realized that i am sitting on the right-hand side of the train, looking back over the right shoulder. and i’m sorry that the angle on this isn’t better.7 points
yes – this is clearly frankfurt-am-main-flughafen-fernbahnhof – taken from the level above the platforms.4 points
ticket hall at bolzano.1 point# scoring
maximum of 35 points available
use the look-up table below to see your final score:
points | final score |
35 | 1 |
22 | 0.9 |
everything else | 0 |