i (we) am (are) not the most active users, but we play the game when we can[1]. when i lived in the old office block just off old street i hosted quite a few cycle tourists. and then didn’t for a few years[2]. but we have started to do so again. a young couple from germany fresh out of university; the bulgarian guy who has spent the majority of the last decade on the road; the enthusiastic canadian; the soon to be orthopedic doctor from germany; the guy who didn’t send a request but just knocked on the door (and several others on our road) because he had a mechanical.
# a common theme and a valuable lesson
what i find enormously refreshing is that they[3] don’t generally seem to care about their bike and kit. very much a run what you brung. and i freakin’ love that.
so what if they have a sub-optimal weight distribution, with two overfull panniers and their bin liner’d tent and sleeping bag all on the rear rack that is slightly not quite straight, and a back wheel begging to be trued? it hasn’t stopped them from getting out there and having a blast. and it’d be mighty useful if i could remember that.
for more info see warmshowers