What am I doing now[1]?
# 100 s
Producing some saliva, shedding some skin cells, pumping some blood, writing this.
# 105 s
A few small tweaks to this site; babysitting some ice velocity code that keeps crashing for no good reason; intending on going to the climbing wall later.
# 106 s
I've been moderately un/successful[2] at getting some analyses to run. The University's fickle network keeps kicking me off the server, and I'm not sure why. What have I been processing? A big pile of ice velocity data[3], and a lot of digital elevation models[4]. Need to get the coding & running the code part ticked off as soon as possible. There are words to write.
S is away for a few days, so it'll just be me and dog this weekend. If i get a moment I'd like to poke around with the pen plotter, assuming I can get the driver properly installed.
# 107 s
I've entered the final year (of funding) of my PhD, and am back at work having paused my studies for a few months on account of a severe depressive episode. Which, unsurprisingly, sucked.
I have been climbing[5] semi-regularly, and am still seeing some improvements.
This website, was crafted from scratch[6], so I learnt a fair bit of html
and css
. This side of the web is still very new to me, and I have a lot to learn.
My longstanding fascination with the sun and the seasons saw me scatter[7] half a dozen pinhole cameras across the neigbourhood on the winter solstice. And I'll take them down in June.
# 1014 s